ARC Services Explained – Your Guide to the ARC Process

What is an ARC?

Each aircraft governed by EASA or UK CAA regulations is issued with a Certificate of Airworthiness. While this non-expiring document forms the foundation of aircraft compliance, annual validation through specialised Airworthiness Review Certificate (ARC) services is essential. The ARC is issued by the National Aviation Authority (NAA) upon the recommendation of an approved Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation (CAMO) and holds validity for one year. Additionally, these crucial ARC services may be extended twice for a one-year period before mandatory renewal. It is imperative to note that an aircraft may not legally take flight with an invalid ARC.


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Who Performs Airworthiness Reviews and Makes ARC Recommendations?

Approved CAMO organisations with Subpart I Privileges and CAMO Engineers endorsed by NAA as ARC Signatories conduct Airworthiness Reviews. The CAMO Approval Certificate specifies the authorised aircraft types for ARC services and recommendations. ARC Engineers must meet specific criteria to be approved, in terms of their experience, licences held, aeronautical degrees and trainings, role within organisation etc.

What’s Included in an Airworthiness Review?

An Airworthiness Review involves both Document Review and Physical Inspection by an approved ARC Engineer. The depth of the review depends on few factors like current aircraft registration, condition of the aircraft and its records. For instance, importing an aircraft into EASA or the UK from outside of the EU mandates a thorough 100% ARC review.

ARC Recommendation Report

At the review’s end, the ARC Engineer compiles an ARC Recommendation report detailing all checked items and outcomes. This report is submitted to the NAA for inspection.

When is the ARC Issued?

A pre-arranged date for the survey with the NAA leads to the final issuance of the ARC post a successful inspection.

Concerned about your 2024 ARCs? Worry not! FlyerTech, as one of the pioneering independent CAMOs, has been providing ARC Services for over two decades. With CAMO approvals from the UK CAA and EASA for numerous aircraft types, we’re here to support you.

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